Jump to recipeSavePrint Our best flourless chocolate cake also happens to be easy to make, with just a handful of ingredients that come together in about an hour. The lack of flour makes this cake extra fudgy, extra chocolatey, and utterly divine. It’s so rich, it doesn’t even need...
cake right away, it will likely taste a little eggy.If you're in a hurry, I created a recipe that adds one more ingredient, but you won't have to wait several hours. Check out my3-Ingredient Flourless Nutella Mug Cake. I also have a4-Ingredient Nutella Mug Cakeor3-Ingredient Nutella...
Aside from my possible-death-ensuing love ofalmond butter, I have also been on agluten free muffinkick lately. You should also know that I accidentally wrote “muffincake” instead of “kick.” I think that is why my subconscious enjoys the muffa-luffas (translation: muffin) because it’s...