Although more recent thermodynamic theories have been proposed, the classical Flory-Huggins treatment has been shown to be particularly useful for polymer blends. In this chapter the assumptions and basic features of this quasi-lattice theory will be reviewed. In addition, excimer fluorescence will be...
Flory-Huggins theory is a thermodynamic model that describes the mixing behavior of polymer solutions and polymer blends. It was developed by Paul... Learn more about this topic: Air Pollution & Economic Development | Marginal Cost & Benefit ...
The interaction of poly(acrylic acid) and poly(methacrylic acid) polyelectrolyte networks with water in relation to their degrees of ionization is studied via the methods of isothermal equilibrium sorption and microcalorimetry. On the basis of these data, the integral Flory-Huggins parameters and their...
Systematic corrections to Flory–Huggins theory: Polymer–solvent–void systems and binary blend–void systems A field theory, presented earlier by us, which is formally an exact mathematical solution of the Flory–Huggins lattice model, is used to evaluate correcti... MG Bawendi,KF Freed - 《Jo...
Preparation and Application of Monodisperse Polymer Particles The treatment of the equilibrium distribution in various polymer-monomer or polymer-mixed solvent systems has most often been based upon the classical Flory-Huggins lattice theory and the extension... J Ugelstad,P. C. Mrk,HR Mfutakamba,....
Siloxane Polymer Films: Determination of Interaction Parameters),而给的公式是ln(solute activity)=ln...
Flory-Huggins theoryThe prediction of equilibrium volume fractions of solvents mixtures in a polymer network is of utmost importance for processes dealing with polymeric materials (e.g. chromatographic and membrane processes). Up to now, few studies have studied the ability of existing theories to ...
Measurementofsolvent-independentpolymer–polymerFlory–Huggins interactionparameterswiththeuseofnon-randompartitioningsolvents ininversegaschromatography LiyanZhao,PhillipChoi * DepartmentofChemicalandMaterialsEngineering,UniversityofAlberta,536ChemicalandMaterialsEng.Bldg,Edmonton,Alta,CanadaT6G2G6 Received25April2002;rece...
Liquid-liquid phase separation in multicomponent polymer solutions The liquid-liquid phase behaviour of solutions of multicomponent polymers in a single solvent can be described in detail with the Flory-Huggins theory. All phenomena, predicted by theory with the aid of numerical calculations, could be...
The thermodynamics of the interaction of guar gum, xanthan gum, agarose, and gellan gum with water has been investigated. The isotherms of water sorption b