Florists Nearby is directory of local florists in the United States and Canada that are near funeral homes and hospitals. Local florists with links to their websites are displayed on a map showing their distance to the funeral home or hospital.
You can also upscale your gift by adding chocolate slabs or candles. Sweet. Where they deliver: They offer a local flower delivery service across the U.S.—including NYC, L.A., San Fran, Dallas, Chicago, Miami and more. Why we like them: Cut-to-bloom at their peak, Bouqs source ...
You Don't Bring Me Flowers tumble out onto the pavement. Photo:Londonist Honestly, it was the cake thatcoaxed us into this placefirst — it's a florist that doubles up as a cafe. The floral side of things resides downstairs, with fresh bouquets and potted plants wedged in the gap under...