These Are A Few Real Life Issues Faced BY HOA & COA Association Members Florida statutes regulating HOAs and COAs are weak, without substance and virtually offer no protection for the home owner. Florida Home Owners Unite is inviting all residents of Florida to unite in a common crusade to ...
The existing fining portion of the statute has been revised to clarify that a HOA may levy reasonable fines for violations of the association’s declaration, bylaws, or reasonable rules of the association, and that, after the Board’s adoption of the fine, the notice to be sent to the offe...
Florida Statutes, also known as the Condominium Act, notes Chelsea Eagle, deputy director of communications for the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR). Board members, under this provision, are held to account.
A viable tool for self-managed Associations and incompatible management services. Let Premier Association Management audit your current operations and streamline an effective strategized solution to meet Florida Statutes and improve effectiveness. On-Site Association Management ...
A contract that was valid when made but either cannot be proved or will not be enforced by the court. A contract may not be enforceable because it is not in writing, as may be required under the statutes of frauds or because the statute of limitations has elapsed. ...
”in which what was initially a beautification project became a battle between the HOA and one owner. This lawsuit underscores the importance of working with association counsel to ensure any amendment to maintenance obligations within a HOA’s declaration of covenants has been correctly drafted and ...