Florida State, founded in 1851, is a public, comprehensive university. Its 463-acre campus is located within a mile of downtown Tallahassee. 网址 机构类别私立 男女同校是 学费$21,673 平均GPA3.8 录取难度非常难 新生入学要求
Hospitality Administration/Management, General 5% Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, General 5% See all Bachelor's Program data » Online Graduate Business Program Total Enrollment 623 Application Deadline Rolling Tuition (2024-2025) Per credit, part-time, in-state $993 Per credit, part-time, out-...
Florida State is a flagship university in the State University System of Florida. As one of Florida's primary graduate research universities, Florida State University awards over 2,000 graduate and professional degrees each year. In 2007, Florida State was placed in the first tier of research uni...
Given that tourism and hospitality is a major economic sector in the state, it largely affected all the major cities, especially Orlando which is a place that sees major tourist activities. Around 6.8% of growth is expected in the economy of the state in 2021. According to the latest ...
-Dual-Degree Program in Business Administration and Hospitality Management, with Florida International University School of Education -BS in Combined Elementary Education ESOL (K-6) and Exceptional Education ESOL (K-12)/ESOL -BS in Secondary Education with a concentration in English / ESOL (6-12)...
Comprising 13 colleges, the university provides a comprehensive range of over 230 degrees across 10 regional campuses in Central Florida. These include the Health Sciences Campus at Lake Nona Medical City, the Rosen College of Hospitality Management in the southern part of Orlando, and the UCF Cent...
Florida International University Bachelor's Program Data Most popular majors by online degrees conferred at Florida International University Psychology, General19% Early Childhood Education and Teaching7% Computer and Information Sciences, General6% Hospitality Administration/Management, General5% Multi-/Interdisci...
Pitcair Subscribe I consent to the storage of my personal data so that can deliver the monthly newsletter and other relevant emails to me. I consent to the delivery of my personal data only to those schools or other partners that I select. I agree to theTerms of ...
Florida International University (FIU) is a state-run research university in Miami-Dade County,Florida. It is one of America's most dynamic institutions of higher learning. Opening in 1972, the research university is renowned for its creative writing, hospitality management, international business, ...