Within acupuncture theory, emotional disorders can be associated with a number of different patterns of disharmony; however, anger, irritability, and frustration are all signs that our liver is not functioning as well as it should be. Using acupuncture, nutrition, and sometimes herbal formulas can ...
Central Florida Bone and Joint Institute is proud to offer a more cost effective, less hassle alternative to the overcrowded emergency room. Learn More Sports Injuries Work Related Injuries Auto Accidents Sprains & Strains Broken Bones Acute Joint Pain ...
Spine and spinal cord injuries Peripheral nervous system injuries Burn injuries Child Injury Mental and emotional trauma includingpost-traumatic stress disordersuch as what is suffered after rape or other sexual assault When you need real results, you need us. Hickey Law Firm fights for adults andch...
BabyBrace offers bi-modal orthotic support where you need it most. Protect your spine’s curvature and eliminate back pain comfortably. Features and Benefits of BabyBrace® This a modular brace (not a Support) and was designed by me (an Orthopaedic Surgeon). I designed the brace to check ...
On December 19, 2007, Donald Etherton was rear-ended. Mr. Etherton’s back was injured in the collision and he had to endure three back surgeries to repair the damaged disc in his spine. The other driver’s insurance settled with Mr. Etherton for $250,000, the policy limits. Because th...