Florida Officials and Scientists Urge Presidential Candidates to Address Sea-Level RiseClimateWireEvan LehmannChrista Marshall
But southern Florida lies on a bed of porous limestone. During high tides, flooding can -- and does -- occur on sunny days, without even a drop of rain. That's because high tides -- increasingly higher due to sea level rise spurred by climate change -- seep up through the drainage s...
Sea level rise could result in the degradation or loss of Florida’s unique insular biodiversity. Almost half of the mammalian, reptilian, and amphibian species on our subset list of Florida’s Species of Greatest Conservation Need have some or all of their distribution on islands. Of these, 1...
Data they collect measures the sea level rise. "Again it doesn't seem like a lot but if you extended that out over 50-100 years we're talking almost a foot of increase over 100 years," said Molleda. Another concern is the rate at which the sea level is rising which is increasing. ...
Stock Market Index Screen Commodity Ticker Feed News Board Line on Dark Background, New Quality Financial Business Animation Dynamic Motion Video Frames, Increase, Decrease, Investing Data, Analysis of Indicators Statistics 00:14 Construction to widen beach with sand to combat sea level rise erosion ...
Florida in hot water as ocean temperatures rise along with the humidity Sick of hearing about record heat? Scientists say those numbers paint the story of a warming world If verified, the Monday reading would be nearly 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit higher than what is regarded as the prior rec...
according to theUniversity of Florida's Center for Landscape Conservation Planning. And more land is expected to be developed in Florida; the center projected about a million more acres of land to be developed by 2040, almost 1 million acres lost to sea level rise and ...
Future sea level rise will lead to salt water intrusion, beach/dune recession, and many other coastal problems. This paper addresses a data based forecasting approach to provide relative sea level rise estimates at locations in Florida where historical water level data exist. Many past estimates of...
» A Rising Concern: The impact of sea level rise on FloridaRemembrance Ferdie Pacheco Dr. Ferdie Pacheco, known as “The Fight Doctor” for his role as Muhammad Ali’s ringside physician, died in his sleep Thursday morning at his Miami home, his daughter Tina Louise Pacheco said. Pacheco...
South Florida's low elevation is especially vulnerable to storms and accelerating sea level rise, with some estimates of up to 4 feet (1.2 meters) by 2100. Experts have also warned of sea level rise impacts and rising temperatures that will decrease water runoff and ...