Candidates will be expected to conduct electives on financial economics and in their other fields of interest, to contribute to teaching our core economics courses, and to offer courses in the college's general educational program. The department expects the ideal candidate to also be attracted to...
Master of Science in Construction Management Master of Science in Engineering Management Master of Science in Information Technology Master of Science in Logistics Engineering School type Public Terms Semester Program Offerings Online master's in engineering degree programs 5 Concentrations with highest demand...
Florida Atlantic University Bachelor's Program Overview Florida Atlantic University, a public institution, has been offering online bachelor's degree programs since 2011-2012. The majority of the online classes are recorded and archived so students can access lecture material at their convenience. When...
Learn Software Engineering (Saylor) This is an advanced course that will give you an overview of the basics, and then help you understand the vast software engineering concepts. This course will help youlearn how to apply engineering and computer science conceptsin the development and maintenance o...
Wise to Introduce Intelligent Design Bill; the Senator Wants It to Balance Florida Science Standards That Require the Teaching of EvolutionByline: MATT SOERGEL Amid much controversy a year ago, the Florida Board of Education...By SoergelMatt...
The FSU Young Scholars Program is a competitive residential science and mathematics program for 40 Florida high-school students with potential for careers in the sciences, engineering, and health professions. Admission to the FSU YSP generally requires completing the eleventh grade and scoring at least...
Dr. Jeffrey Christo is an educator, academic researcher, writer, and business analyst from the United States. His educational background includes a BA degree in History, Master of Science in Teaching, and Doctorate in Educational Leadership. Dr. Christo specializes in leadership, staff development,...
The purpose of this report is to present the minutes from the Third Workshop on Standards for the Interoperability of Defense Simulations. This is the third workshop concerning the development of technical standards for networking defense simulations. These standards are intended to meet the needs ...
The Florida Radon Research Program: Technical Support for the Development of Radon Resistant Construction Standards - Madani, M - 1991SANCHEZ, D. C.; DIXON, R.; MADANI, M. ( Environmental Protection Agency, Research Lab. ): Florida Radon Research Program: Technical support for the development ...
The FSU Young Scholars Program is a competitive residential science and mathematics program for 40 Florida high-school students with potential for careers in the sciences, engineering, and health professions. Admission to the FSU YSP generally requires completing the eleventh grade and scoring at least...