Florida is one of the few states that assesses sales tax on commercial leases of real property. The current Florida sales tax rate on such leases is 5.5 percent. However, the legislation cuts the Florida sales tax rate on commercial leases from 5.5 percent to 4.5 percent as of...
Recommendations on good sales tax practice are also cited.WigdorProskauerJordanProskauerS.ProskauerFlorida Bar JournalWigdor, J. S. (2009). Sales tax on commercial leases of real property: a refresher on the issues involving Florida sales tax and commercial leases. Florida Bar Journal, 83(11), ...
Florida considers a seller to have sales tax nexus if you have any of the following in the state: Ownership of property in the state. Sales of taxable items at retail. An employee present in the state. Repairs or alterations of tangible personal property. Rentals, leases, or licenses to ...
Further Reduction in Florida Sales Tax Rate on Commercial Leases: What Landlords and Tenants Need to Know May 2, 2024 Daily Business Review "Protecting Trade Secrets in a Post-Noncompete Era: A Strategic Approach" May 1, 2024 Power Magazine "Perfect Storm for the Grid: Convergence of Energy ...
How Leases Factor into Business Sales If you’re planning to buy or sell a business that involves a lease, this can lead to an extra... March 11, 2023 Are You Cut Out to Own a Business? There are clearly qualities that make a person an ideal candidate to be a business owner. On ...
Market does heavy media advertising in the greater Miami press. Indoor and outdoor spaces with daily and monthly rates. State sales tax laws enforced. c/p Armando Prats, P.O. Box 350940. 33135. (305) 649-3000 or 6431-4504. Fax: (305) 631-4529....
Did you know some of the many pros of leases over loans?Did you know that with a lease you have to complete only one form, while a bank loan requires many forms, along with tax returns and hundreds of other documents? Or that you will likely know in less than 2-4 hours whether you...
Florida law, risks associated with secured transactions for borrower and lender, bankruptcy and insolvency issues, provisions for shifting regulatory and legislative risks, dispute resolution options, choice of law provisions, issues specific to commercial leases and other general contract law ...
Deferred Monthly payment on up to $15,000 as long as the Owner remains in the home and is their Primary Residence. There are no payments on the second mortgage unless the Owner moves, Refinances, leases or defaults on the property within 5 years. ...
Kassel Law Group represents commercial landlords and tenants with the drafting, review, and negotiation of commercial leases, including retail, office, industrial, and leisure facilities in various Florida counties. In addition to providing transactional leasing services, we represent landlords and tenants...