Liquor License:If your business intends to sell alcoholic beverages, such as in a bar or restaurant, you’ll need a liquor license. Florida has various types of liquor licenses based on the type of alcohol you plan to serve and the location of your business. ...
We are a professional and reputable company providing alcoholic beverage licensing and liquor license brokerage services throughout the state of Florida.
Winn-Dixie Supermarket, CVS Pharmacy, multiple eateries, movie theater, liquor store, U.S. Post Office. 90.8— Tavernier Creek Bridge; Tavernier Creek Marina, Plantation Marina. Bayside. Tavernier Creek. (Bob Rountree photo) Plantation Key — Mile Marker 90.7 Plantation Key was an agricultural ...
Pull: To take a drink of liquor from a bottle or jug. As in "take a pull of this here shine". Scrub Chicken: Gopher tortoises. Crackers loved to eat them; now it is illegal to kill them. Most crackers call them simply "gophers". This confuses a northerner new to the state. Swam...
Restaurant for sale, Restaurants Sales Broker, Buy restaurants, Restaurants Sale, Sell restaurants, Franchise restaurant, Restaurant Realtor. Miami, Florida