FLORIDA Advance Directive Planning for Important Health Care Decisions CaringInfo 1731 King St., Suite 100, Alexandria, VA 22314 www.caringinfo.org 800/658-8898 CaringInfo, a program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO), is a national consumer engagement initiative to ...
Revocation: The termination of a licensee's privilege to drive a motor vehicle. Suspension: The temporary withdrawal of a licensee's privilege to drive a motor vehicle. U.S. Citizen: A person born in the U.S., Naturalized, or one who has obtained a Certificate of ...
guidelines must include a meaningful range of penalties based on the severity and repetition of offenses that include minimum and maximum fines, periods of supervision and probation, conditions of probation, or other allowable penalties such as letters of concern, reprimands, suspensions and revocations...