More Parenting Classes 2 Parents, 2 Homes Course for Divorce This course is for parents of minor children going through a divorce or separation process including never married parents. Learn MoreRegister Now PreviousNext Are you having trouble finding a parenting class in your area that is affordab...
Our Florida Parenting & Divorce Class is approved by the Florida Department of Children and Families and is required of both parents for a divorce.
Parenting Classes Mandated for Couples Divorcing in Florida Ina previous article, we discussed children’s rights in divorce. In the same vein, in 2019, the state of Florida passedStatute 61.21, mandating parents who are separating or divorcing to attend parenting classes. The law has an extensive...
Contact the Best Divorce Lawyer in Central Florida today for experienced, honest and skillful representation in family law matters.
riebred Inspired Parenting for parents/caregivers of infants & toddlers 2 mo. to 2 yrs old. RIE® Certified Parent-Infant Guidance™ classes in Miami Beach. Snack. RIE class. #rie #riebredmiami #riemiami #mi See how they move on their own safely unassisted ...
For a flat fee of $1500 (everything is included)I do it all for youand you never have to set foot in a courtroom. When I say everything is included, that's what I mean, Parenting Plan, Marital Settlement Agreement, Parenting classes, filing fees, all is included.Click here to learn...
“secondary residential” parent. Nevertheless, it is not uncommon for parents in a divorce to want to maximize the amount of involvement they will have in their children’s lives while minimizing the role of the other parent. When parents cannot agree on issues pertaining to child custody and...
Parenting Program Online course provides a quick way to complete the state requirement of the Parent Divorce Course. More Info Other Programs Victim Impact and Awareness Program. More Info FLORIDA TRAFFIC SCHOOLMetro Traffic School is approved by the State of Florida and the Department of Highway...
Parenting Program Online course provides a quick way to complete the state requirement of the Parent Divorce Course. More Info Other Programs Victim Impact and Awareness Program. More Info FLORIDA TRAFFIC SCHOOLMetro Traffic School is approved by the State of Florida and the Department of Highway...
(Florida online Co-Parenting and Divorce Classes) The Toby Center for Family Transitions, Inc.-250 E. Park Avenue-Lake Wales, FL 33853-Phone: 855-862-9236-www.thetobycenter.orgor email: We can help: “Improving child outcomes by preserving family ties when ...