LLC Name Requirements: Limited Liability Company: When you start a Florida LLC, your company name has to include the term “Limited Liability Company” or one of its abbreviations (LLC or L.L.C.). Distinguishable Name: Your name has to be distinguishable from other business names in Florida...
Name Your Florida LLC Choose an LLC namethat is available for use in the state of Florida, is available as a web domain, and meets other Florida state requirements. To achieve that, you will have to conduct a thorough online and business database name search to ensure you pick a suitable...
Professional LLC Some states, including Florida, allow certain occupations to form Professional LLCs. These types of businesses typically have special requirements and licensing. Foreign LLC If your business operates in another state and you want to expand into Florida — or vice versa — you’ll ...
Name your Florida LLC Create a business plan Get a federal employer identification number (EIN) File Florida articles of organization Choose a registered agent in Florida Obtain business licenses and permits Understand Florida state tax requirements Prepare an operating agreement Examine business insurance...
What are requirements to get LLC in Florida? You need to choose your LLC name, hire a registered agent, and file your Articles of Organization. After this, you can compose an operating agreement, apply for an EIN, and open a bank account. Registering for taxes comes afterwards and is an...
Name Your LLC:Start by checking whether the name of your business is available and meets Florida naming requirements. You may use the entity search tool available on theFlorida Department of State website. If necessary, pay a fee to reserve the name for 120 days. ...
Discover the best LLC services in Florida. Our top picks streamline your business formation process efficiently and affordably.
Explanation of the Florida Workers Comp exemption requirements. Step by step to get your Florida Workers Comp exemption. What the exemption holder will need to file the exemption Drivers License number Social Security Number Date of Birth Corp or LLC name ...
Forming a corporation or LLC has some definite advantages. The biggest advantage is that both structures limit the liability of owners, meaning the owners are not personally responsible for the business's liabilities and debts. But there are valid reasons to choose a different structure for your ...
When choosing your registered agent, keep the official requirements for this agent in mind. Florida registered agents must maintain an address on a physical street, known as the registered office. Ideally, your registered agent will always be at the address during standard business hours. This will...