Looking for plants or landscaping products? Browse our huge online catalog and save with South Florida's most reputable nursery for over 15 years! Just the lowest prices, everyday!
JMC Landscaping & Nursery is a family-owned and operated nursery & landscaping company located in beautiful Pine Island, Florida. For any landscaping needs, call now
other plants you might like that are similar Recently moved to Florida? You might be feeling helpless when it comes to South Florida landscaping and gardening...unfamiliar plants, soil that's mostly sand, relentless sun, torrential rains (or long stretches with NO rain), and almost 12 months ...
Barbara Tubb's entire yard is a garden of colorful plants and flowers. Palmetto. Pungent-smelling blue basil. And her favorite: bright white cat whiskers. Buttressed by pine needles, the yard looks to one neighbor like a fire hazard.Green, Amy...
Landscaping your home is as easy as 1 – 2 – 3. 1)Call (904) 554-3811 to set up your FREElandscape estimate. 2)Meet with our professionals to find the best design for your home at your convenience. 3)Sit back, relax and let us make your home the talk of the neighborhood!
McKee Botanical Gardensused to be called the Monkey Jungle back in the days of old Florida. Here you could find monkeys and many other wild animals. Today, part of this history has been preserved in Vero Beach, Florida. Click for Slide Show!
Clermont's Best Landscaping Design & Landscaping Installation Services Our company has continued to serve all counties in Central Florida since 1999. Holding strong knowledge of the climate in this region, we understand which plants and flowers flourish throughout the communities and the specific requir...
This leads me to my final landscaping tip for increasing the color in your Florida yard: instead of buying cut flowers to decorate the inside of your house, buy small potted flowering plants at a place like WalMart or Home Depot. You can enjoy them inside for awhile, as if they were ...
Plants & Flowers Flowers (annuals and perennials), Shrubs, Trees, Vegetable and herb plants, Houseplants, Succulents and cacti Garden Supplies Soil and compost, Mulch, Fertilizers, Pesticides and herbicides, Seeds, Planting containers and pots, Gardening tools, Watering cans, Garden gloves ...
This book describes every type of regional flora-from seaside foliage and wildflowers to grassy meadows, shrubs, vines and aquatic gardens.Robert G. HaehleJoan BrookwellHaehle, R. 2004. Native Florida Plants: Low Maintenance Landscaping and Gardening. Taylor Trade Publishing, Lanham. MD. 360 pp...