Automobile Insurance Fraud in FloridaMake no mistake about it — fraud is a serious matter in Florida. So much so, some state officials call it “rampant” and an “epidemic.”State leaders estimate that fraud costs the average American between $400 and $700 annually in the form of higher ...
Florida's home insurance market is in crisis due to litigation costs and natural disasters. Learn what lawmakers are doing to stabilize it.
A move to revamp the state-backed property insurer of last resort into Florida’s main wind carrier, a plan dubbed “Citizens 2.0,” appears to have died in the Legislature this year. But other insurance-related bills are still alive, and the governor’s … ...
Florida CFO warns Haitian immigrants about insurance fraudTriplett, Treméne
Legitimizing Bad Faith – Big Insurance Duping the Public with Scare Tactics Read More » June 5, 2019 New Legislation on Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Fraud Should be Considered Fraud Itself Read More » June 5, 2019 Get a FREE Legal Consultation Hiring an attorney in Florida...
After having issues with my bank while overseas I come back to find out he had sold the watch and claims that I did (wire fraud) I tell him don’t worry keep the deposit and we can credit that to something else. Over these past few months I’ve tried to purchase a Bruce Wayne, ...
George Santos’ Ex-Fundraiser Is Sentenced to a Year in Prison for Wire Fraud A former campaign fundraiser for ex-U.S. Rep. George Santos has been sentenced to serve one year and one day in prison for impersonating a high-ranking congressional aide while ra...
An amendment to SB 232 would have limited the Florida Consumer Collection Practices Act (FCCPA) to debt collectors, leaving the door open for those who commit consumer fraud 3 hours ago JALA President successfully urges Florida legislators to reject change that would’ve ‘gutted’ ability to co...
Those factors, combined with maintenance assessments that were already on the rise due to the insurance crisis and record inflation, are now likely to be further accelerated by the cost of mandated inspections and resulting work and more importantly, the newly adopted and previously unprecedented ...
"Every person who, being out of this state, abducts or takes by force or fraud any person contrary to the law of the place where that act is committed, and brings, sends, or conveys that person within the limits of this state, and is afterwards found within the limits thereof, is gui...