Honors Program As Albert Einstein once said, “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” Reflecting on this, what academic subjects, learning opportunities, or extracurricular activities are you most excited to engage in during your college experienc...
创新学院为三十余个传统主修专业提供创新辅修专业(minor of Innovation)。学生在入学后可以选择申请加入择优录取的荣誉项目(Honors Program)。荣誉项目提供一百余门专属课程、专属宿舍、特殊奖学金、实习机会、研究机会和出国交换机会。 藉由教授开创的机会和合作院校,佛罗里达大学提供超一千个出国交换项目,让学生可以在世...
由于学校是公立大学,又是佛州的旗舰大学,因此课程多以上百人的大课为主。但如果你大一时候成绩够好,就可以申请 Honors Program,其课堂人数会被限制在25人以内。 文理学院 (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences) 是佛罗里达大学的发源地,主要为学生提供人...
http://honors.fsu.edu/prospective/main/academics.html. Retrieved 2007-12-27. ^ "Florida State University 2007-2008 General Bulletin Undergraduate Edition - Honors Program". http://registrar.fsu.edu/bulletin/undergrad/info/honors.htm. Retrieved 2007-12-27. ^ "FSU 2006-2007 General Bulletin ...
Entering freshman in the program must have a weighted GPA of at least 4.0 and an SAT score of 2070 out of 2400 or an ACT score of 33. The Honors Program also offers housing for freshman in the Honors Residential College at Hume Hall. The Honors Program also offers special scholarships, ...
This program honors many different types of business leaders for their ingenuity, courage and entrepreneurial spirit. We celebrate original founders who bootstrapped their business from inception or who raised outside capital to grow their company; transformational CEOs who infused innovation into an exist...
In use since 1959, the ACT is considered an indicator of academic aptitude and readiness to enter college. Although the ACT is not as well-known as the SAT, it is almost as widespread – every college that accepts the SAT also accepts the ACT for admission, scholarships, and honors ...
The University Honors Program, administered by the Burnett Honors College is designed for 500 accomplished incoming undergraduates annually. Undergraduates enrolled in the Honors College participate in smaller classes with faculty, including individual research programs or assigned research in the area of a...
Senior:Miami Arts Studio sets you on a well-built college-readiness track and prepares students with its superb curriculum. Not only is it a magnet-heavy school that demonstrates your magnet as its profession, but it also offers a lot of honors, gifted, AP, and dual enrollment courses to ...
Established in 1990, theLloyd F. Hutt scholarshipprogram honors the legacy of Lloyd F. Hutt – teacher and founder of LMCU. Each year, we establish a prompt for high school seniors to write about in the form of an essay and award twenty (20) $2,000 scholarships. ...