3. destruction of, or the refusal to allow inspection or copying of, an official record of a homeowners’ association which is accessible to parcel owners within the time periods required by general law, in furtherance of any crime. Such act also constitutes tampering with physical evidence, as...
Law & Ethics Main navigation - Law & Ethics - Legal Library Legal Library Advertising Appraisals Broker Business Brokerage Disclosure Code of Ethics Commercial Lien Commissions Condominium and Homeowners Associations Complaints Contracts Copyright Photography Disclosures Do Not Call Escrow...
Gelfand & Arpe represents Florida condominium associations, homeowners’ associations and coops as well as owners of property in Florida communities.
There’s a way for rich homeowners to potentially shave tens of thousands of dollars from their tax bills. They can get that same savings the next year and the following years as well. They can cut their taxes even further after they die. What’s the secret? Moving to Florida, a state...
Siegfried Rivera: a Florida Law Firm handling community association, construction, and real estate law since 1977. Our 45+ years of experience driving results for our clients has earned their trust.
Green LeafHomeowners Association Pay HOA Fee Welcome to Green Leaf A wooded residential community in Gainesville, Florida Notices Meeting HOA Board Meeting April 5 Sat. April 5 at 12:30 PM, Tower Library Important HOA Documents HOA Bylaws
For homeowners, this is resulting in fewer Florida home insurance companies and increased premiums. When a company goes insolvent, the Florida Insurance Guaranty Association (FIGA) takes on any claims that still need to be paid by that company. In August 2022, FIGA’s board and the Florida Off...
More About Appellate Law Why Perez Mayoral Is the Best Choice for HOA & Condominium Association Disputes At Perez Mayoral, we are dedicated to helping homeowners enforce their rights against their associations by providing top-notch legal representation for all these aforementioned matters. Our commitm...
It is also common for Florida homeowners to file property damage claims following intense storms like hurricanes. Due to the fact that the damage has been caused by an act of nature, your insurance plan should cover these damages. Damages caused by hurricanes, hail storms, tornadoes, or other...
Previous hurricane damage can drive up your cost of living. Carmichael notes that beachfront condos in Pensacola, for example, come with high homeowners association fees based on increasedhome insurance premiumsfollowing massive hurricanes like Ian in 2022. In fact, the state's insurance market was ...