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If you live in Florida and need an HOA, Condominium, or Business Law attorney for litigation, contact Perez Mayoral today!
If you live in Florida and need an HOA, Condominium, or Business Law attorney for litigation, contact Perez Mayoral today!
Learn from experienced HOA attorneys at LS Carlson Law whether local laws supersede HOA rules and what to do if your HOA is violating local laws. Read More ARTICLE How to Choose the Right Business Litigation Attorney for Your Case Discover the essential factors to consider when choosing a busine...
Expanded enforcement jurisdiction of the Division of Business and Professional Responsibility (DBPR) Condo and HOA records Inspections, access to records and stiff penalties related to same (criminal penalties) Substantial changes to the fining procedure for HOAs, including what actions cannot be subject...
The existing fining portion of the statute has been revised to clarify that a HOA may levy reasonable fines for violations of the association’s declaration, bylaws, or reasonable rules of the association, and that, after the Board’s adoption of the fine, the notice to be sent to the offe...
When you own a condo, you’re usually part of an association, an HOA. This association typically requires all members to pay membership fees and abide by certain rules and guidelines. As an owner and association member, you’re entitled to certain rights and protections under the law, and ...
Florida passed several laws to keep Condo building's safer in the state, by requiring specific inspections and funding mechanisms. Learnso you can focus on compliance and making your building safe. STORM DAMAGE CLAIMS FOR YOUR CONDO AND HOA PROPERTIES!
the Sunshine Law applies to meetings of public boards and commissions, a homeowners association is a private entity. If the HOA had been given authority to perform a government function of some kind, then it would need to follow the rules of the Sunshine Law. Otherwise, it generally does ...
This is a statement of all the covenants, restrictions and conditions that runs with the land and is always found in an organized HOA if one exists for your subdivision. These restrictions are aimed for uniformity in the buildings and exterior appearances of the properties of the subdivisions and...