New HOA rules regarding elections took effect in July 2013, Glazer notes. In an HOA, as of July 1st, if the election process allows candidates to be nominated in advance of the meeting, the association is not required to allow nominations at the meeting. An election is not required unless ...
What if HOA rules won’t let you fly an Israeli flag (American flags only, though an exception was granted for a sacred Rainbow Flag during Pride prior to the Prideful homeowner who ultimately chose to move to the San Francisco Bay Area)? Use Christmas lights to turn the house into an I...
L.S. Carlson Law is a group of HOA Attorneys in California & Florida advocating to protect homeowners' rights. Get legal support to hold your HOA accountable.
The existing fining portion of the statute has been revised to clarify that a HOA may levy reasonable fines for violations of the association’s declaration, bylaws, or reasonable rules of the association, and that, after the Board’s adoption of the fine, the notice to be sent to the offe...
There have been several updates to the Florida HOA Statute that we need to implement. In the coming months, you will receive communications from the Board to ensure we meet the new requirements. If you haven’t yet consented to electronic communication, please consider signing up at the followi...
A board clearly cannot govern democratically if it is not holding regular fair elections, which are in and of themselves beholden to specific rules and protocols. “The governing documents will likely provide that elections should take place during a meeting of unit owners,” explains Moriarty. “...
The minimum legal number of people required to be present before a specified meeting can officially take place or authorized business can be transacted. An HOA meeting may be required to have a quorum. R radon A colorless, odorless gas naturally occurs in ground, rock and sediment in every st...
The WCA is a Florida not-for-profit corporation run by the Board of Directors. This Board refers to the elected body responsible for management and operation of the association.
HOA The CAM Team 1008-120 Park Avenue Orange Park, FL 32073 (904) 278-2338 (904) 638-1435 NOTE: Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic ...
“Because they’re all agreeing and there’s no controversy. But when this is not the case, and when difficulties arise, the boards should stick strictly to protocol, including running the meeting by Robert’s Rules of Order, and making sure no decision get made without the agreement of ...