wildfires, followed by frequent prescribed ignitions for natural resource management. This uninterrupted fire history, without any long period of fire suppression, makes it ideal for study of fire adaptations. Geologic, Edaphic, and Hydrologic Setting AP is on the Osceola Plain, a poorly to very p...
Burns 摘要: Sand pines of the Ocala race grew larger, but sand pines of the Choctawhatchee race had better survival and appeared best adapted to the soil when test-grown for 12 years in the sandhills. Shortleaf, Virginia, loblolly, and longleaf pines competed poorly. DOI: Society of ...
Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agronomy, University of Forestry, 10 Kliment Ohridski Blvd, 1797 Sofia, Bulgaria 8 Department of Plant Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Lebanese University, Beirut 1302, Lebanon 9 Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, University of Ilorin, Ilorin 24...