Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida L.) is an important tree of forests and urban landscapes in the eastern United States. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers were generated from genomic DNA of 17 cultivars and lines, and four duplicate samples of selective cultivars. Specific ...
the general area from Daytona Beach southward to Sarasota, many evergreen and deciduous trees prove themselves as valuable and ornamental shade trees. In Orlando and Tampa, for example, architecturally beautiful oaks grow alongside flowering trees. A shade tree grows to a ...
Novel allele identification Compared to the genotypes in the wild samples, the appearance of novel alleles (i.e. SNPs) within and among MK, LR1, LR2, and cultivar may also provide insight into their origins and divergence, reflecting domestication/bottleneck or genomic introgression events (see “...
Zethu spinipes belongs to the Vespidae family and is a stinging wasp. They are often found where there are flowers, in fields and meadows with a fore wingspan of 14mm. They can grow to 15mm in body length and visit late-flowering thoroughwort, gulf croton, and blazing stars. They feed ...
From the blog View feed Tools to annotate genes and genetic variants Published on: 25 May 2016 Plant Parenthood: new insights into the sex lives of flowering plants Published on: 18 May 2016 Quiz: Think you know everything about plants? Published on: 18 May 2016 TweetsAdvertisement Submit...
(2003). Identi- fication of host fruit volatiles from flowering dog- wood (Cornus florida) attractive to dogwood-origin Rhagoletis pomonella flies. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 29, 2347-57.Nojima S,Linn C Jr,Roelofs W. Identification of host fruit volatiles from flowering dogwood(Comus florida)...
Inheritance mechanism and QTL mapping of powdery mildew resistance in Cornus florida (under the guidance of Dr. Margaret Mmbaga) Cornus is a large genus of trees and shrubs that are collectively referred to as dogwoods. Flowering dogwoods (Cornus florida) especially is an economically important ...
Plants whose flowers open at night but remain open during the day also attract diurnal flower visitors, potentially boosting their pollination rates and providing resources that can support diverse arthropod communities. The rough-leaf velvetseed, Guetta
A decrease in wet season rainfall will lead to lower water levels and increased droughts during a time that plants are water-dependent for growing and flowering and wetland bird species are foraging. The change in timing of rainfall will stress ecosystems and cause changes in vegetation types. ...