As these products are used to protect homes, lawns, right of way, golf courses, gardens, shrubs, trees, and pets, their contribution to what is seen in water resources is expected to be high. Our results corroborate this assumption with urban land use producing the strongest land-use ...
2 Prior Lien Obligations include Right-of-Way Acquisition and Bridge Construction Bond Program debt service, Transportation Financing Corporation debt service, State Infrastructure Bank repayments pledged for debt service, Public-Private Partnerships (P3) Concession Agreements, Design Build Finance Agreements...
& Cancellation The Point System Driving While Impaired Insurance Laws Crashes 19 19 20 22 23 SECTION 5 - DRIVING SAFETY Defensive Driving Safety Belts Protecting Children Speed Limits Right-of-Way Pedestrians Bicyclists Sharing the Road with a Bicycle ...
Figure 9.Scan station 1 set up on the right bank of the canal near the railroad bridge. Figure 10.Scan station 2 set up on the left bank of the canal near the railroad bridge. The first highway bridge selected for the study was the Little Lake Worth bridge near 11072–11078 Florida ...