Per the DUI laws in Florida, adult drivers are committing a DUI violation if they operate their vehicle with a BAL of .08 percent or greater. Motorists will also be subjected to arrest if they refuse to undergo a chemical test to determine their BAL level. The state Zero Tolerance drunk d...
The DMV uses the postmark date as the date of surrender. Vehicle owners will receive an FS-6T receipt and a refund check (if applicable) in about 21 days to the address on the registration. It is up to the vehicle owner to make sure their address is current; if it is not, they sh...
However,licensed Florida driverscannot operate their new or used motor vehicle until they obtain titling and registration materials. To apply for FL vehicle registration documentation and a title certificate simultaneously, vehicle owners must complete an Application for Certificate of Title (Form HSMV 82...
An individual can register a homemade vehicle or vessel trailer in Florida with their countytax collector. If they bought a homemade trailer weighing under 2,000 lbs. that is registered in the state of Florida, they must provide a bill of sale or the previous owner’s registration. The bil...