Florida Department of Health EMS Matching Grant Program: Broselow Pediatric Resuscitation SystemTo accurately evaluate the program, it will be necessary to compile sufficient data in Each pediatriccall will be evaluated to determine the accuracy of medication dosing and Variables such asaccurate dosing,...
Web: http://www.careautism.net Providing support, education, and resources for families facing autism. CARE offers a full Diagnostic Evaluation Center for children at-risk for autism, a lending library, and many grant-funded programs.Center for Child Development Joseph J. Keeley MD 615 East Pri...
completed projects of the Plan are being operated in a manner that is consistent with the requirements of subsection (h)..." Following are these determinations and a letter of support signed by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the South Florida Water Management District (SF...
Broadly speaking, the findings of this research could contribute to the planning literature and promote sustainable hurricane disaster planning in the future. 1.1. Uncertainty in EMs’ Decision-Making Oftentimes, EMs face extreme events that they have not experienced before [7], which would require ...