Byline: Brad Burbaugh & Natasha ParksParks, Brad Burbaugh &Natasha
…Those rulings followed a 2015 IJ court victory on behalf of home bakers in Minnesota, which galvanized the state to expand its cottage food laws. Now the state boasts over 3,000 cottage food producers. Notice, by the way, that protecting an established interest group was the real purpose ...
We experienced a lot of wind and rain however we did not have to evacuate based on our area and zone. My in-laws evacuated as they are very close to the water so they packed up essentials and spent a few days with us until it was safe for them to return to their home. We lost ...
So Should You Grow Coffee in Florida? Yes. Come on – if you CAN grow something as awesome as coffee, even marginally, why wouldn’t you? Don’t be a wuss! It’s COFFEEEEEEE!!! I would absolutely plant coffee – lots of coffee – if I lived in Ft. Lauderdale or Naples or Homest...