Offering CAM CE Courses and Events, Board Member Certification, CAM Prelicensing Courses, and More Featured Products OSHA/Safety, Liability, Insurance Claims and Paint – Self Study $79.00 Add to cart Employee Manuals and HR Topics – Self Study ...
Becker is offering a FREE Online Board Certification Class! As a service to the community and industry, we are pleased to make our HOA/CONDO Board Member Certification class available to you online. GET CERTIFIED NOW Statewide Suspension of Community Association Classes Becker has been closely monit...
According to the Department of Business & Professional Regulation’s Election Brochure for Condominium and Cooperative Associations, vacancies on the board can only be filled by electing a new member and the election must be held on the same day and in the same place as the association’s annual...
Middle District of Florida, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Florida, U.S. District Court, Southern District of Florida, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. In addition to his Board Certification, Florida’s Supreme Court has...
Board E-Mails: Board members are permitted to communicate on association matters by e-mail, but cannot vote by e-mail. NOTE: This language was implemented into the condo statute a few years ago, so this is another step towards harmonizing the condo and HOA statutes with one another. This ...
We have an owner at our board meetings who is a hothead and very disruptive. They want to keep attending the meetings even though they cause so much trouble. Can they do that? Find out the answer in this month’s episode! When it comes to association rules and bylaws, there seem to ...
“Most documents have a recall provision. Often, if you can get ten percent of owners to agree to recall a certain director, it then goes to the board for certification, and there’s a vote. Florida statutes are fairly expansive and do include language about recalls, as do almost all ...
If you are a board member, keeping track of new legislation and precedent-setting legal decisions impacting your condo or HOA is mandatory. This seminar will answer questions, clarify technical language, and get you up to speed on recent legislation that board members must be aware of and prepa...
Two days before the meeting took place, on Nov. 13, 2018, a member of the condo board, Mara Chouela, forwarded Prieto a copy of the structural engineer’s report, according to anemail released by the townon Saturday. And the day after the meeting, Prieto sentanother emailto Guillermo Ol...