Certain types of Florida child support orders called Title IV-D child support ordersare enforced by the Florida Department of Revenue. A child support order issued in Florida (or any other state) is a legally-enforceable court order requiring one parent to make a periodic payment of support to...
If My Spouse and I Share Custody, Do I Have to Pay Child Support? The state of Florida has largely eliminated the terms “custody,” and “primary or secondary residential parent,” replacing them with “majority time sharing” and “equal time sharing.” If both parents enjoy equal time-...
county where a child support order was originally entered. As a result, the Florida Department of Revenue can assist obligee parents living in Florida in enforcing child support orders entered by courts in other states. Similarly, obligee parents who live outside of Florida can also receive ...
Florida Steps Up Child Support PursuitByline: Rich Tucker, Times-Union staff writer Anna Smith has basically given up on Florida's...By Tucker
If you're late with payments on your child support in Florida, the arrearages build up until you pay them — either on your own or because of a court order. It's at the discretion of the court to order you to make payments, pay a purge amount or both.
Find the right Child Custody lawyer in Florida. Simply describe your case and you will be matched to the top Florida Child Custody attorneys near you.
Child support payments can be made online at: www3.myfloridacounty.com/child_support/index.html Official records can be recorded using Simplifile or eRecording. For Simplifile, call 800-460-5657, and for eRecording, call 866-652-0111 to begin sending your recordable documents electronically. ...
We have over 30 years of family law experience. If you need advice on divorce or child custody, call the Winterpark law office of Hal Roen, P.A.
Watch Florida divorce and family law Videos, as Orlando lawyers discuss legal issues about divorce, child custody, support, visitation, paternity and more.
Florida child support is based on each parent’s income, the number of overnight visits the children have with the non-custodial parent, daycare amounts and the health insurance payments for the children. Many parents have questions regarding child support after the age of eighteen in the state...