Barber, Director of Museum Operations for the Meek-Eaton Black Archives Research Center and Museum at Florida A&M University, shares the story of this significant Archive, its diverse collections, and its crucial role in preserving Black American history. This presentation will emphasize the ...
As a result of advancements in technology, traditional methods of historical research are intersecting with new methods of information delivery. In the past researchers have had to navigate through resources that are often difficult to locate and access. Effective alternatives, however, are now being ...
BJ Thomas Concert. We saw the BJ Thomas concert at Largo Cultural Center last Monday evening. It was outstanding. BJ Thomas still has the great voice. Black Friday Shopping On The Beach - Black Friday On The Florida Beaches Black Friday Shopping On The Beach. Black Friday shopping on the b...
Pensacola is a diverse city. The largest racial/ethnic groups are White (62.1%), Black (28.9%), and Hispanic (5.3%) according to the 2010US census. African American culture is another important influence in Pensacola. To learn more about African American culture, check out TheAfrican American...
including 1) riverine/riparian corridor buffers and connectivity; 2) xeric natural community connectivity; 3) sea-level rise coastal gradient connectivity; 4) the Integrated Habitat Network in southwest Florida; 5) Florida panther habitat connectivity; 6) Florida black bear habitat connectivity; and 7...
history of Halloween parties depict people wearing satin dresses and wigs. They were also commonly used to frighten children as they accompanied their parents’ trick or treating. There are many other images that portray the black rituals and spells that were done during the time of Black Magic....
to "The ABCs of Black History," "Cuban Kids," "Countries in the News Cuba," "Love to Langston" and The Hill We Climb. The Miami Herald obtained the complaints through theFlorida Freedom to Read Project, aparent-led advocacy groupfighting for children's access for information.Gormanshared ...
provides a historical image of the travel dynamics of the late 19th and early 20th centuries; (the brick depot had wide overhangs, exterior platforms and segregated waiting rooms with areas for passenger travel and shipping.) The first black family to reside in Zephyrhills was that of Jake Gile...
(e) Distribution of wild cotton (within black circle) in the Caribbean. The map was generated using rnaturalearth (v.1.0.1) ( package in R. Full size image It is often challenging to determine whether a natural cotton population is truly “wild...
Although Greg is not part of the interview, Jonathan (the other co-author) covers the highlights of their research in this riveting 75 minute interview. Just click this link below: Jonathan Haidt: “When Good Intentions Go Bad” – The Knowledge Project, Episode 61 3 Comments The Power of...