The data sources used in this analysis combine geospatial layers derived from twelve landscape (wide-ranging) species models, large contiguous blocks of natural communities, Florida panther and black bear priority conservation zones and habitat, protected lands, strategic habitat conservation areas ...
Florida Trail, Kerr Island to Lake Delancy6.4 miles. Across a mosaic of sandhills and scrub, expect black bear and scrub-jay sightings on this Florida Trail segment north of Salt Springs. Florida Trail, Lake Delancy to Rodman6.7 miles. Experience a sense of perspective on a piece of the Fl...
These glassy seas also gave us the most whale sightings, or soundings. The sound of their spouts carried for miles, and we heard them before we saw them. After several, usually three, spouts, they breached, and, if we were lucky, we saw the tail as they dove deep. Stellar sea lions...
Moai Tiki Heads Map Easter Island Moai in America: Find more like this in our roadside roundup map of Moai Tiki Heads Also see: Oldest Surviving Goofy Golf | Abandoned Goofy Golf Goofy Golf Address: 12206 Front Beach Rd, Panama City Beach, FL Directions: On the inland side of FL-30/Fron...
and road walking through old ranches, oak forest, and historic towns. Once you cross into Withlachoochee State Forest, the trail climbs into sandhills scattered with campsites. Wildlife sightings are nearly guaranteed along this 30-mile stretch. Deer are the m...