however, there has been rapid progress—particularly steep over the past four years—resulting in 2022 scores that place Florida fourth graders third and fourth nationally in reading and math, respectively…
Come for the beaches, stay for the live mermaids. The glare of Florida canʼt hide itʼs panoply of wonders, from a coral castle built by one love-stricken man to a fort that eats cannonballs. The Sunshine State really seems to attract visionaries. ...
Whether you're looking for a family beach, a beach for your dog, the best place to surf, or just a secluded stretch of sand where you can swim and soak up the sun, here's a guide to some of Florida's favorite beaches.South Beach Fort Lauderdale Panama City Beach Clearwater Beac...
Known as the “Songbird Supreme,” she has produced chart-topping hits, including the best-selling Christmas song by a female artist of all time, “All I Want for Christmas Is You.” Carey comes from a mixed racial background of Irish, African-American, and Venezuelan descent. Meghan Markle...
theme for this year will be “Imagine the Future,” which will have 15 interactive exhibits that explore how fascinating ideas and concepts of science fiction could soon become the reality of tomorrow. Discover the wonders of science, technology, engineering, math, biomedicine and artificial ...
Are you listening, billionaires? Just for funsies…HD35 is the NINTH best seat on our map by partisanship. Flipping 5 seats is a clear and reasonable goal. Raise a metric shit ton of money. Y’all can do the math. We will need
The Bright Futures scholarship uses a superscore, which is a combination of Dominique's two highest subject test scores (even though he took the test twice on two separate occasions). That means Dominique's superscore is the combination of 550 (Math) and 740 (EBRW), which gives him a cu...
Here is a list of ideas to make the most of every experience. The Ultimate Guide to Field Trips for Homeschoolers Field trips don’t have to be elaborate or cost of ton of money to be both fun and educational. Some of the best “field trips” are a nature walk and park lunch ...
Being a vine** is a great deal. You get a free ride up a tree into the life-giving sunshine without all the blood, sweat, and sap invested in building a tree. Vines can adjust their growth to seize the best canopy real estate. The puzzler is, if being a vine is such a bully de...
“He’s very perceptive on what works best for different people, and I think that he grew a lot with that,” Hansen says. “He changed a lot with how he handled different players in just my first year to my fifth year. … Early on, he would coach a lot of kids the same way.”...