a, Illustration of structure of standard spike (WT) in T. durum LD222 (left), ramified spike (indicated as gradation from horizontal spikelets, HS, to ramified spike, RS) in T. durum R-107 (middle) and the turgidum-type of spike branching (indicated as branched head, BHt) in T. ...
while Luca Turin thinks it is a midway point betweenJickyand Fracas. Going out on a limb here, neither of those are particularly accurate. To the first point, this is no suntan oil bit of fluff. It is a serious piece of
Activation of latent origins of DNA replication in florally determined shoot meristems of long-day and short-day plants: Silene coel... Effects of sowing date and planting density on the structure and yield of autumn-sown, florally-determinate white lupins ( Lupinus a... ...
influencing processes such as nutrient cycling, organic matter turnover, soil structure maintenance, and toxin degradation [10,25]. They enhance and maintain soil fertility, functioning as effective indicators of soil health [17,26]. Furthermore, they are indispensable for the biological, chemical, ...
Máriaglieti K 1979 On the community structure of the gutmicrobiota ofEisenia lucens(Annelida, Oligochaeta). Pedobiologia 19, 213–220. Google Scholar Marinissen J C Y and Bok J 1988 Earthworm-ammended soil structure: Its influence on Collembola population in grassland. Pedobiologia 32, 243–252...
Define microfloral. microfloral synonyms, microfloral pronunciation, microfloral translation, English dictionary definition of microfloral. adj relating to microflora Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCol
The activity of RubisCO is also lower at high temperatures as the function of the enzyme RubisCO activase is reduced38,41. Photosystem II (PSII) is strongly affected by high temperatures as the structure and function of the thylakoid membranes, where electron transport occurs within the ...
Structural equation modeling by analysis of moment structure SI: Stomatal index SL: Stamens length (disc floret) SLA: Specific leaf area SPS: Stomatal pore surface L.: the role of UV-B blue, red and far-red light. Photochem Photobiol 41:481–486 ...
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Many methods have been proposed to preserve the form and structure of green foliage, i.e., stems, leaves, flowers, and other parts of plants, after cutting. For example, cut green foliage can be dried in the air, pressed between blotting papers, or dried by ...
The stigma is trifid, and the style forms a narrow and compact tube structure that is longer than the stamens6. Previous studies have investigated the molecular basis of the floral transition in pineapple7,8, and several genes such as FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT), LEAFY (LFY), PISTILLATA (PI)...