Watch complete video answer for “Floral formula belongs to family” of Biology Class 12th. Get FREE solutions to all questions from chapter MORPHOLOGY OF FLOWERING PLANTS.
34. In general, floral abundance is used in p−p network studies as an independent factor; however, from a functional ecological standpoint, the number of flowers represents the relative abundance of specific (e.g. visual and olfactory) phenotypic traits that constitute...
Chrysanthemums are among the world’s most popular cut flowers, with their color being a key ornamental feature. The formation of these colors can be influenced by high temperatures. However, the regulatory mechanisms that control the fading of chrysanthemum flower color under high-temperature stress...
belongs to the Asteraceae family of leading ornamental species, second only to the rose in terms of its market value [1]. Dendranthema morifolium (Ramat.) and Pericallis hybrida, called Qiuju and Fuguiju in China, are widely used in South China, either as a fragrant floral tea or as ...
Gaertn. (Family: Asteraceae) is an important annual flowering plant, commonly used as an ornamental garden plant [1]. Gazania has a long flowering duration from late spring to early summer [2]. The genus Gazania was named by Gaertner, honouring Theodorus Gaza, a 15th-century Italian scholar....