Sie ist Mitglied im Vorstand der Naturschutzorganisation Fauna & Flora International (FFI). Als Lektotypus wurde 1913 Gentiana lutea von Nathaniel Lord Britton und Addison Brown in An Illustrated Flora of the Northern United States, Canada, & the British Possess...
On the other hand, the rocks of M1b substage are characterized by the first occurrence of the Lepidocyclina-Miogypsina fauna and Daijima flora, and the Oligocene elemens of Mollusca and Foraminifera are rare in these rocks. The ... O Fukuta,Y Ishiwada - 《Journal of the Japanese Assoc...
the extensive contribution by Guilherme Piso and Jorge Marcgrave, titledHistoria Naturalis Brasiliae(Natural History of Brazil), published for the first time in 1648, is mentioned [23]. This work is a milestone, and it represents a truly scientific effort to make the flora and fauna of Brazil...
Flora and fauna of Grazalema Almost 1,400 taxa of vascular plant have been recorded within the park, including six narcissi, seven irises and around 30 species of orchid. Of the total, around 150 are Afro-Iberian endemics and 13 are confined to the Serranía de Ronda and the Sierra de Gr...