ULAN BATOR, May 24 (Xinhua) -- Mongolia on Tuesday launched a smartphone app to provide information about its rare and endangered species of wild fauna and flora, according to the country's Ministry of Environment and Tourism. The smartphone app "Baigali," which means nature in Mongolian, co...
The Eocene–Oligocene Boundary (~34 million years ago) marks one of the largest extinctions of marine invertebrates in the world oceans and of mammalian fauna in Europe and Asia in the Cenozoic era. A shift to a cooler climate across this boundary has been suggested as the cause of this ext...
En el norte de la meseta de Ordos, Mongolia Interior, se encuentra el séptimo desierto más grande de China. Con más de 400 km de este a oeste y 50 km de norte a sur, el desierto de Kubuqi está a solo 715 km de Pekín, y solía ser el origen de las tormentas de arena que ...
Mountains are the epitome of natural beauty and grandeur, offering breathtaking views and a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. They stand tall, embodying strength, resilience, and tranquility. Climbing mountains can be a challenging y
In: Timofeev PA, Shmatkova LE (eds) Flora i fauna osobo okhranyaemykh prirodnykh territoriy Respublikanskoy sistemy Ytyk Kere Sirder. Kuduk, Yakutsk – On the flora of rare, endangered and new species of higher vascular plants of the Tokko River basin and Olyokminsk vicinity (in ...