The bird fauna is especially distinctive. The reserve is one of the relatively few places in Mexico where ornithologists have the chance to find the horned guan (Oreophasis derbianus), resplendent quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno), cabanis’ tanager (Tangara cabanisi), azure-ramped tanager and gre...
Grazalema's floristic diversity is matched by a rich vertebrate fauna, with around 220 species having been recorded in the park. Outstanding among the 150 species of bird cited here are the 320 pairs of griffon vultures which breed here - one of the largest concentrations in Spain, if not ...
As we cannot make a definite choice for any of the parametric methods (after all, the real number of species is not known), we suggest that the most probable estimate for the number of tree species in Amazonia is 15,874 species, based on a logseries with conspecific aggregation. We have...