Rapateaceae in Flora do Brasil 2020Talita de Souza PraiaR MonteiroRafael Barbosa Silva
COMPOSIO FLORSTICA DE UM INSELBERGUE NO AGRESTE PARAIBANO, MUNICPIO DE ESPERANA, NORDESTE DO BRASIL In order to determinate the floristic check-list of a inselberg at the Fazenda Timbaúba (35o52'50.3", 7o1'0.8"), municipality of Esperança/PB, Agreste da Borborema Microregion, were re...
In addition, BIEN includes all datasets from Flora do Brasil 2020 (FB2020)34, the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)35 and Tropicos36. Cleaning of the BIEN data was done using the package speciesgeocodeR37. The function “GeoClean” available from the package offers a number of ...
The graph above shows the market trend analysis of centroflora group anidro do brasil extracoes ltd. for the past year, which can be used to understand the current supply cycle and business stability of the company from the trend of different dimensions such as quantity, weight, price and nu...
Flora do Brasil 是一个全面的巴西植物数据库,提供详尽的植物分类信息和高清图片,支持环境保护和科学研究,同时促进公众教育和生物多样性的普及。
A fauna e a flora do Brasil é muito abundante 一句中的主语 a fauna e a flora 应该是复数,为什么系动词用了单数的 é ? 网校学员小猫护**在学习新版葡萄牙语(0-B2)零基础至高级【全额奖学金班】时提出了此问题,已有1人帮助了TA。 网校助教...
Lenhos permianos da Bacia do Paraná, Brasil: síntese e reviso taxonmica Irati Formation (Middle Permian), which outcrops are located in So Paulo state, and a smaller amount is found in Rio Bonito (Lower Permian) and Serra Alta (Upper Permian) formations, from Rio Grande do Sul and Sant...
Dantas Santos, M.Persio 2004: Bird communities in two vegetation physiognomies in the domain of the Caatinga in the state of Piaui, Brazil As comunidades de aves em duas fisionomias da vegetacao de Caatinga no estado do Piaui, Brasil Ararajuba 12(2): 113-123 Vieira, F.N. da S.; So...
Flora Polínica da Reserva do Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga (São Paulo, Brasil): Família: 90-Melastomataceae Pollen grains from seven genera and 45 species of Melastomataceae (Huberia semisserrata DC., Leandra amplexicaulis DC., L. aurea Cogn., L. australis Cogn., L. cardiophyl...
Maria Graham: anota??es sobre a flora do Brasil DOI: 10.1590/S0102-33062008000400010 Peixoto, Ariane Luna;Filgueiras, Tarciso de Sousa; Keywords: botanical collections, landscape descriptions, flora brasiliensis. Full-Text Cite this paper Add to My Lib Abstract: of the 65 authors and 135 co...