Costa Azul Chocahuital El Gancho The project would extend to a subregion including Bahía Paredón, Boca del Cielo, Playa del Sol, Bahía Marías, El Madresal, Mojarras, Laguna La Joya, Cabeza de Toro, Cerro Bernal, Manglares and Villa Tortuguero. In time, Puerto Arista could become another...
After the French Geodesic expedition, de La Condamine, together with Louis Godin, Pierre Bouguer and the Spaniards Jorge Juan and Antonio de Ulloa, carried out an expedition from Quito to the Atlantic Ocean, through Ecuador, Colombia, and Brazil (and from there to France). This is considered ...
Francisca Dionízia de Almeida Matos, Maria Pires Martins, Mariana Victória Irume, José Ferreira Ramos, Juan Carlos Montero, Flávia R. C. Costa, Charles Eugene Zartman, Lorena M. Rincón, Thaiane R. Sousa, Juliana Schietti, Henrique Eduardo Mendonça Nascimento, Juan David Cardenas Revilla, ...