Your automotive floor jack is probably not going to fail, but you should always treat it as if it will. Never EVER put any part of your body under a car, truck, or other load that is solely supported with a floor jack. Why? Because your vehicle could – and likely will – crush yo...
They stuck to him, and he to them, wherever they went. At the same time the gang was democratic in a face to face sense. Nothing was done secretly, especially where money and earnings were concerned. In engineering, however, the ganger and foreman were always separate. The firm paid the...
But from corporate HQ, the Jack Welch protégés that were now running the company had a quicker way to get to that RONA number: Attack the denominator: slashassets. To that end they were working to outsource large swaths of production, especially capital intensive parts like fabrication and a...
Some of us are stuck at the holiday dinner table even though we are well into 2008. People it’s time to get up and make sure we see another year, by getting healthy. I’m not in the shape I was 10 years ago when I was active in all kinds of sports. As my children grew so ...