The customers and their demands. Floor and Decor INSIST on complying with the asinine. It’s what they DO. Your body will suffer. Your mental will go down the tubes. What is the work environment and culture like at the company?
Floor & Decor的官方回复 2025年1月20日 Thank you for taking the time to share your experience. It's great to hear you can tell management cares about you, and room for growth is absolutely huge here. We hope you have a fantastic 2025!
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If ever you found stains on your marble medallions, luxury floor medallions, granite floor design and other marble materials do not make use of anything that contains acid in cleaning the stain. Ask your marble floor manufacturer in Texas, Greenwich Connecticut, Toronto, Florida or Orange County,...
of the industrial age, this fan was inspired by a bygone era. nothing calls attention to the refined style of modern living like a carefully chosen reference to the past. the high-powered, wall-mounted fan provides a bold contrast to the latest trends in home decor. number of fan speeds:...
bamboo to increase load bearing the drain fast ventilated and hollow design shower shelf suitable to hold your shampoo proper height of wood shower organizer basket, it keeps things from falling opens in a new tab sale houston street bathroom storage container by roselli trading company $36.99 $...
Floor and Decor is a wonderful company to work for.Constantly growing and because of the growth, there are plenty of opportunities to move up. Floor and Decor just became public as well, so stores will be popping up in your area in no time. ...
Floor and Decor Manager(离职员工) - Houston, TX - 2017年11月30日 Typical day included walking the store to make sure it was in good shaped, handing out task to my associates. Checking my email, and answering all emails, and helping customers the rest of the day. 1.0 Compl...
Floor and Decor Manager(离职员工)-Houston, TX-2017年11月30日 Typical day included walking the store to make sure it was in good shaped, handing out task to my associates. Checking my email, and answering all emails, and helping customers the rest of the day. ...