Five to 10 inches of rain is expected and winds could top 40 mph. In Galveston Bay, Texas, the storm surge might reach 2 to 4 feet. A tropical storm warning is in effect along the Texas coast from Port O'Connor to the mouth of the Rio Grande. This weather map shows a poten...
In California, it's not just building out, that includes building in. There are too many units within existing neighborhoods that are right now being left idle because the regulatory prospects of navigating the hurdles to obtain it development permit are simply too difficult, and I think if we...
S. D. Khan, "Urban Development and Flooding in Hous- ton Texas, Inferences from Remote Sensing Data using Neural Network Technique," Environmental Geology, Vol. 47, No. 8, 2005, pp. 1120-1127. doi:10.1007/s00254-005-1246-xShuhab D. Khan.Urban development and flooding in Houston Texas...
Flooding in Tanzania caused by weeks of heavy rain has killed 155 people and affected more than 200,000 others, the prime minister said Thursday. That is more than double the number of deaths reported two weeks ago as the amount of rainfall increases, especially in the coastal region and the...
1. The lower court erred in applying a bright-line flooding mitigation exception to the Texas Constitution’s requirement of compensation for the taking, damaging, or destruction of private property. 2. The lower court erred in applying a bright-line “police power” exception to the Texas Con...
HARRIS COUNTY (CBSDFW.COM/CNN)- Millions more properties than previously known in South Texas and across the U.S. are at substantial risk of flooding. And as climate change accelerates, many more will see their flood risk grow. Those are the findings of a comprehensive new analysis by the ...
Levels of flood risk for properties in seven metro areas likely to have severe rain and flooding as a result of Hurricane Harvey: A factor in insurance costs, according to AIR Worldwide, is that more than half of the commercial buildings in both Texas and Louisiana are steel and concrete. ...
WATCH: ABC13's Steven Romo walks you through the interactive map and the areas most affected by flooding.HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- From a cluster of residents in northeast Houston, to homeowners across the county, there have been nearly 1,300 flood-related complaints to the 311 hotline ...
Flood Watches have been issued for parts of easternTexas, southernOklahoma, northernLouisianaand southwesternArkansasthrough at least Monday night. The Dallas-Ft. Worth metro is one major city in Texas in the zone for flash flooding over the next few days. ...
In the paper,“Attributable human-induced changes in the magnitude of flooding in the Houston, Texas region during Hurricane Harvey,”published May 19 inClimatic Change, Wehner and Christopher Sampson from Fathom Bristol used a hydraulic model—a mathematical model that can analyze the flow of...