The first step after your basement has flooded is to make sure that it is safe to enter. You should never enter a flooded area while the power is still on. So make sure to shut off any power, including electricity and gas, before going into the flooded basement. If you’re unsure of...
IDA REMNANTS CAUSE AMTRAK TO CANCEL SERVICE BETWEEN WASHINGTON AND BOSTON If the water level remains down after those steps, you can draw down 2-3 feet of water every 24 hours, according to FEMA. Once your basement is empty of water, FEMA says homeowners should "act fast" on clean up. ...
When in doubt, it’s best to call a plumbing professional or basement waterproofing company. Get quotes from a few different people so that you can compare prices and plans of action. Be sure to ask whether the proposed plans are short-term fixes or long-term solutions. It’s always a ...