Flood zone maps & information for the state of Florida, search any address or zipcode to see flood the zone designation for that location.
Florida Floodzone Services was established in 2007 by a group of Florida Licensed Surveyors and Mappers. With our education and expertise, we are registered with FEMA as licensed professionals to directly submit applications to correct flood zones. With our qualifications, we are able to provide fu...
Machine learning (ML) models can simulate flood risk by identifying critical non-linear relationships between flood damage locations and flood risk factors (FRFs). To explore it, Tampa Bay, Florida, is selected as a test site. The study’s goal is to simulate flood risk and identify dominant...
One of the biggest drivers of flood damage risk was proximity to astream, along with elevation and the average amount of extreme precipitation per year. The three Census regions with the highest probability were in the Southeast. Louisiana, Missouri, the District of Columbia, Florida, and Mississ...
While flood risk perception has been studied extensively in general populations, there remains a dearth of focus on youth perspectives – a key demogr
Human exposure to floods continues to increase, driven by changes in hydrology and land use. Adverse impacts amplify for socially vulnerable populations, w
Drawing lines: FEMA and the politics of mapping flood zones Flooding is the most common and damaging of all natural disasters in USA, and climate change is exacerbating the problem. Accurate flood maps are critical to communicating flood risk to vulnerable populations, to mitigating and adapting ....
This article is cited by Action plan for implementation of an ecosystem-based coastal management approach in Ghana Brière Christophe Angnuureng Bapentire Donatus Vondolia Godwin Kofi Journal of Coastal Conservation(2025) Variation in Mangrove Geometric Traits Among Genera and Climate Zones ...
Yangtze reaches and the connected lakes, such as Poyang and Dongting Lakes, are the most important wintering zones of waterfowl in East Asia, hosting significant proportions of the populations of cranes, geese and swans. The Yangtze floodplain hold the highest diversities of Anatidae in the world...
For example, economists have found that properties located within the 100-year coastal flood zone on North Carolina's Outer Banks had higher cash values relative to similar properties outside of coastal flood zones [48]. In fact, some of the most expensive real estate in the US is located ...