Flood Zone 3b is the floodplain land itself, and only ‘water-compatible’ uses should be permitted. Even then, no net loss of floodplain storage should result; water flows should not be impeded; and flood risk should not be increased elsewhere as a result. The following table, adapted from...
12 While individual atmospheric rivers (ARs) may not necessarily cause a flood due to the rapid propagation over the basin,20 a well-established system of atmospheric blocking leads to a stationary weather pattern over a large area, thus enabling the interaction of the low-level frontal zone ...
In November 1994, a catastrophic flooding event occurred in the Piedmont region in Northwestern Italy over a period of about 3 days. The large time and spatial scales associated with this event prompted a number of reanalysis studies to assess the forecast skill of the models. This paper investi...
I have concluded that the information requested and contained in the records in relation to the National Flood Forecasting & Warning Service Steering Group does not comprise information that satisfies the definition of environmental information set out in Regulation 3(1) paragraphs (a) to (f). Havi...
Marine litter is an emerging environmental threat affecting all world’s oceans including the deep seafloor, where the extent of the phenomenon is still largely unknown. We report the spatial patterns of macro-litter distribution within the Messina Strai
The distance between the flood inundation zone and the shelter must be considered, and zones that can become isolated due to inundation must be avoided. A building may be designated as a shelter if the first-floor level is the same, or higher than, the standard flood level. Shelter ...
Moreover, with increased rainfall duration, the area and distribution of each hazard zone did not change significantly. Comparing the results of flood hazard distribution with various flood factors, it is not difficult to realize that the areas with high flood hazard tend to be closer to rivers,...
The municipality administration indicates a large flooding zone, and a part of this flooding zone reaches the industrial park neighborhood. Figure 4 shows the existing flood risk information at the industrial park region, consolidated in a single map composed of flood vulnerability [54] and ...
Referred to vertical Datum EPSG 32632 (WGS84/UTM Zone 32), while the horizontal coordinates are expressed in the Geographic Reference System WGS84—EPSG 4326 (Source of data INGV http://tinitaly.pi.ingv.it/, accessed date: 15 December 2021 elaborated by AAWA). Due to the fact that ...
It is important to mention that below the large recirculation zone, a large scour hole was developed. On the other hand, upon use of the RNG K-ε model, forward velocity vectors were noticed downstream of the Type-A basin, and maximum velocity values were noticed in the central region, ...