The City of Moreland is a densely populated urban area in Melbourne and has suffered from riverine and overland flooding during the past few years. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a flood vulnerability analysis in the region to determine the necessary measures for better flood risk ...
AXA GIE, Group Risk Management, 25 avenue de Matignon, 75008, Paris, France Remi Meynadier Department of Infrastructure Engineering, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia Roshanka Ranasinghe Movares Water BV, Conradstraat 18, 3013 AP, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Manuel Andres Diaz Loai...
Community Experiences of the January‐July 2022 Floods in New South Wales and Queensland: Final Report: Policy‐related Research Findings, Melbourne (2023) Google Scholar [83] NSW 2022 Flood Enquiry, vol. 1, Summary Report 27 July 2022, Sydney (2022) Google Scholar [84] M. Bier, C. Christ...
potential additional deaths and evacuations. Majidi et al. (2019) presented a map of inundation in a neighbourhood of Bangkok, Thailand although they expressed their modelling results as runoff volume and peak flow reduction, not flood impact. Pre-urbanisation peak flow may be used as a reference...
Thestatutoryauthoritiesresponsibleforthecollectionoffloodinformationandforlanduse planninginflood-affectedareasarecouncilsandfloodplainmanagementauthorities(CMAs, MelbourneWaterandNRE).Thespecificrolesandresponsibilitiesofeachorganisationand amapshowingthedistributionoffloodplainmanagementareasinVictoriaareattached. August2000 V...
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The flood disaster risk indicator, FRI, of the study area was generated via the spatial layer overlay operation between the flood hazard and total vulnerability (socio-economic vulnerability), i.e., hazard indicator FHI and total vulnerability indicator FVI. The flood risk map based on flood ...
Risk communication and public relations: Have heavy rain hazard or flash-flood risk maps been published? Is the map information passed on to other departments? Risk: Have site visits been conducted to compare findings from the heavy rain hazard map with local conditions? Have flow paths and sink...
Risk hotspot map: A raster image was generated for each parameter using the original data and relative importance weight. Data was imported into ArcGIS software v.10.8.2. Table 6 shows the source, type of data, and process for each parameter. Table 6. Multi-criteria analysis parameters process...
Managing the Floodplain: A Guide to Best Practice in Flood Risk Management in Australia. In Australian Disaster Resilience Handbook Collection: Handbook 7; Australian Institute of Disaster Resilience (AIDR): Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 2017. [Google Scholar] De Brito, M.M.; Evers, M. Multi-...