Unifying Flood Information - The Victorian Flood Web PortalSteven Molino
KATHMANDU, Dec. 22 (Xinhua) -- The Nepali government on Thursday launched the flood resilience portal in Nepali language to provide a consolidated information gateway to public as part of risk reduction and management. The portal www.floodresilience.net.np was launched here by the Ministry of Fe...
Flood risk is expected to increase as the climate warms. This study, for the first time, uses several climate models to estimate the global risk of flooding at the end of the century. Projections show a large increase in flood frequency in some areas, wh
While the latest technical information has been collected to inform our understanding of the flood risk, it is important to provide an avenue for affected stakeholders to provide feedback and specific local knowledge for the maps. The official appeal period for the new maps will be 90 days long...
Principal flood risk specialist “Furthermore, this was successfully demonstrated in a tropical climate where intense rainfall presents significant prediction challenges. The real-time forecasting delivered on this project really pushes the envelope of stormwater flood management. ...
This study, one of the first of its kind, produced spatial multi-criteria-based flood susceptibility, vulnerability, and risk index maps for the Kathmandu Valley (KV) watershed in Nepal using an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach and Geographical Information System (GIS). The result ...
flood risk management. When submitting documents, LGUs mostly submitted data in a written form, and a small percentage of LGUs submitted GIS (geo-referenced spatial) data. The field of flood risk management requires data that contain geospatial information so that the basic products, hazard maps...
the fresh suitable host bodies of a newly arrived Covenant armada and a UNSC strike force fueled the Flood's exponential parasitic capabilities, and Flood infestation increased at a surprisingly rapid rate, and within hours, Sentinel forces were being overrun, causing a risk that the Ring would ...
We applied HAZUS's FAST to estimate flood damages under different categories of storm surge inundations and calculated the expected annual damage as the flood risk. The FAST requires information regarding a property's building type, first-floor elevation (FFE), foundation, flood height, property ...
Nevertheless, this situation also led people to be more aware of disaster information and knowledge. They all began to learn more to use geographic information technologies and services to watch over their lands and properties during the crisis. People in the flood risk zone could inspect vast ...