A shift towards resilience building, however, would require the definition of goals and criteria for resilience building in the first and second phase of the reconstruction process, which is feasible but rarely done. Moreover, options to strengthen inter-municipal cooperation can help to join forces...
Such improved modeling techniques will deliver high-quality products, advice, and decision support systems such as flood forecasts and warnings, flood plain and inundation maps, and flow forecasts for reservoir operation, among others. View chapterExplore book Flood early warning systems under changing ...
The origin and dynamics of a 2010 pluvial flood in the valley of a large European river are described. In order to study how local people perceive this catastrophic event a small administrative unit (rural municipality) within the Holocene floodplain (th
For the first classification method, 23 km downstream of the dam, following the water path, the flood severity is reduced to medium or even low mainly at the plain part of the study area. It was also revealed that the width of the dangerous zone in many locations exceeds by far the ...
However, these previous studies considered only conditions of steady flow, which exclude, by definition, flood plain inundations, and only local erosion in the low channel is dominant. In Korea, vegetation growth is generally highly active during flood season (spring to summer), indicating that ...
In the former, the urban centre remains practically outside the flood area, although numerous properties with recent buildings constructed on the flood plain can be identified. In the case of Perales de Tajuña (Figure 8b), the affected area does extend to the urban nucleus and there are ...
To show that wetlands can be engineered for flood control even in relatively flat areas, our case study was selected in a coastal plain area. This case study, which is shown in Figure 1, takes place in a 925-acre field station located at the University of Houston Coastal Center (UHCC),...
The latter mainly applies to 2-D river floodplain flows, but it is equally valid for 2-D coastal plain flooding either by waves or storm tides. Nevertheless, proper testing and validation of flood inundation models [67] intended for specific hydrodynamic, hydraulic, or hydrological processes ...
In recent years, reservoir flood control and dam safety have faced severe challenges due to changing environmental conditions and intense human activities. There has been a significant increase in the proportion of dam breaks caused by floods exceeding r
The LiDAR data were utilized for the rest of the flood plain section. The unsteady HEC-RAS model was calibrated by the iterative process to obtain a suitable value of Manning's roughness for river reaches by comparing simulated stage and discharge with the observed data. Eight different flood ...