Chapter 3 Flood Analysis and Mitigation Strategies in Algeria Hamouda Boutaghane, Tayeb Boulmaiz, El Khansa Lameche, Abdelouahab Lefkir, Mahmoud Hasbaia, Chérifa Abdelbaki, Ahmed Walid Moulahoum, Mehdi Keblouti, and Abdelmalek Bermad Abstract Floods are frequent hazard in Algeria. They cause ...
5.0 FLOOD MITIGATION STRATEGIES ... 24 Table 2. Potential Economic Loss Estimates for 100-Year Flood. ... 26 6.0 PUBLIC OUTREACH AND PRESENTATION OF PRELIMINARY STUDY RESULTS ... 27 7.0 CONCLUSIONS ...
currentandfuturefloodrisks(IPCC,2012).Suchstrategiesinclude theprovisionoffloodprotectionsuchasstormsurgebarriersand dykesaswellasmeasuresthatreducefloodimpacts(Botzenand vandenBergh,2009).Recentstudieshaveshownthatanadequate implementationofflooddamagemitigationmeasuresatthe householdlevel,withtheaimofflood...
Managing flood risk, i.e. both the hazard and the potential consequences, is an important aspect of adapting to global change and has gained much traction
flood mitigation strategies. Basin-scale studies reveal whether a regional-scale study is essential for a specific region (and how urgent it is), prioritizing regional-scale flood hazard and mitigation studies. Regional scale studies cover a smaller area and thus can have a higher resolution than ...
The reduction of soil N2O emissions through subsurface drip irrigation has been reported as a promising mitigation strategy (Burger et al., 2005; Kallenbach et al., 2010). Although it is commonly observed that irrigation events are followed by higher N2O emissions, once soil water content drops ...
The approach and solution-oriented outcomes outlined in this paper will assist state and local authorities as well as policy makers in reducing flood-related threats and will also assist in the implementation of effective mitigation strategies to mitigate future damage. Keywords: Flood hazard, Flood...
Still, ML in water resources engineering can explore new applications such as automatic scour detection, flood prediction and mitigation, etc. The challenges faced by the researchers in applying ML are mainly due to the acquisition of quality data and the cost involved in computational resources. ...
Decreasing flood damages in a basin and achieving sustainable development reveal the necessity of integrated management of flood. Integrated flood management requires the co-implementation of both structural and non-structural flood mitigation strategies. Watershed management, building dams and levees, and ...
designing neighborhood or community resilience to flooding will benefit from understanding the social and ecological attributes of societies which are not limited to biophysical changes, infrastructure, mitigation planning, and public perceptions of extreme events (Parsons2019). The potentials of grassroots ...