is not a valid floating point value ,也就是说 ‘空字符串不是一个合法的 浮点数 ’,是你所给的参数有问题.可能是记录被删除,而你又访问了这条记录产生的错。这里有一个现成的:见参考出处.原因是TEmbeddedWB控件的一个小Bug.在EmbeddedWB.pas文件中找到下面一段代码,将FloatToStr(M * ...
就是说‘空字符串不是一个合法的浮点数’是所给的参数有问题,可能是记录被删除,访问了这条记录产生的错。functionTEmbeddedWB.PrintMarginStr(M:Real):PChar;var S:string;begin if printOptions.Measure <> RuntimeMeasure thenbegin ifRuntimeMeasure=mMetricthen s:=FloatToStr(M*InchT...
。。。不是有效的浮动值点 可能你选择卖出的点不对吧
When you use a floating-point type specifier in the format string of a call to a function in the printf or scanf family, you must specify a floating-point value or a pointer to a floating-point value in the argument list to tell the compiler that floating-point support is required....
Rounds a double - precision floating - point value to the specified number of fractional digits. 将双 精度浮 点值按指定的小数位数舍入. 互联网 A value might not roundtrip if a floating - point number is involved. 如果涉及 浮点数,值可能不往返. ...
Formats a floating-point value, using this style. Customizing style behavior funcdecimalSeparator(strategy: FloatingPointFormatStyle<Value>.Configuration.DecimalSeparatorDisplayStrategy) -> FloatingPointFormatStyle<Value> Modifies the format style to use the specified decimal separator display strategy. ...
isnan,_isnan,_isnanfTests a floating-point value for NaN isnormalTests whether a floating-point value is both finite and not subnormal _j0,_j1,_jnComputes the Bessel function ldexp,ldexpf,ldexplComputes x*2n lgamma,lgammaf,lgammalComputes the natural logarithm of the absolute value of the ...
isnan,_isnan,_isnanfTests a floating-point value for NaN isnormalTests whether a floating-point value is both finite and not subnormal _j0,_j1,_jnComputes the Bessel function ldexp,ldexpf,ldexplComputes x*2n lgamma,lgammaf,lgammalComputes the natural logarithm of the absolute value of the ...