主要问题是在main()外面已经定义了一个jcb结构体数组,在main()里又定义了一个jcb结构体数组,并且赋值。程序只识别外部jcb[],但这个结构体是空的,所以会产生错误。稍微改动一下就可以了。include"stdio.h"include"conio.h"define N 4 struct jcb { char name[4];int length;int printer;int t...
When you use a floating-point type specifier in the format string of a call to a function in theprintforscanffamily, you must specify a floating-point value or a pointer to a floating-point value in the argument list to tell the compiler that floating-point support is required. To handle...
void main(){ double source[4]={1,2.3,4.5,6.7};double destination1[4];double destination2[4];void copy_array(double x[] ,double y[],int);copy_array(source,destination1,4);void copy_ptr(double *,double *,int );copy_ptr(source,destination2,4);} void copy_array(doub...
include <stdio.h> include <string.h> void main(){ extern float aver();float ave,a[10],max,min;int i;for(i=0;i<10;i++) scanf("%f",&a[i]);ave=aver(a,10,&max,&min);printf("max=%6.2f\nmin=%6.2f\n",max,min);printf("average=%6.2f\n",ave);} float a...
在格式化字符时:f 是浮点数类型 d 是整数类型 因为x1 ,x2 都是整数,所以%f问题,但%d没有问题。问题出在这:%format= %f + "ormat" 你这么看就应该明白了。
In the C Programming Language, the atof function converts a string to a floating-point number (double).The atof function skips all white-space characters at the beginning of the string, converts the subsequent characters as part of the number, and then stops when it encounters the first char...
m是double 型的,不应该用作循环变量,改成int型。另外,fun函数也没有返回值。
In the C Programming Language, the fabs function returns the absolute value of a floating-point number.SyntaxThe syntax for the fabs function in the C Language is:double fabs(double x);Parameters or Argumentsx The value to convert to an absolute value.Returns...
r=Rmax; while(dr>=0.0001) { r=r-dr; if((1-pow(b/r,2)-V/E)<0) { r=r+dr; dr=dr/2; } } dx=(Rmax-b)/1000.0; sum1=0; for(j=0;