Floating point exception #1 globalgliding New Member Join Date: Apr 2020 Posts: 3 Rep Power:6 Hello all, I am working on a counter pipe flow heat exchanger using ANSYS fluent 2D axisymmetric analysis. I have attempted to run the calculation in the setup section however I get the message: ...
My domain is axisymmetric and i had not selected all the edges set as axis boundary.I selected the right edge and it disappeared. If you want to use a 2D axisymmetric model you have to set the geometry in an special way: The geomery have to be draw in the YX plane and in a way ...
the calculation was easy to converge. Last, iterative calculations were performed. The convergence standard of the residual value of each variable was set to 10−6. In addition, the velocity of a certain point in the model was selected as a reference. When it reached stability, the calculati...